Thursday, August 4, 2016

A Match made in EdTech Heaven

OneNote Class Notebook integrates with LMS Canvas and DCPS now has access to both

The nation's capital public teachers are about to go back to school. And with the new school year comes new possibilities and an anticipation for a school year that increases student engagement and growth even more than the previous school year. Teachers were ecstatic to learn that this IS the school year that both the cloud-based sharing and collaboration platform, Microsoft 365, as well as the LMS program, Canvas, will be enabled for not only for teachers but all of the district's students as well. 

With this announcement, the deal was even sweeter as we learned that increased integration between the two platforms is only growing. This is evident as OneNote Class Notebook can be created and utilized within Canvas as well as collaborative features using OneDrive files within Canvas is due to drop in the next few weeks. 

“OneNote Class Notebooks are one of the few tools that have had a substantial impact on the way we teach. One of the others was Canvas. To have these working seamlessly together is outstanding. It is an order of magnitude easier to build a OneNote Class Notebook through Canvas than it was a year ago. We have teachers spinning up a canvas course and building notebooks for clubs, advisory, athletic teams and a variety of scenarios we didn’t anticipate.”
—Jonathan Briggs, director of technology at the Eastside Preparatory School.

Excited to jump right in? Check on the Canvas and OneNote mashup tutorial below. Please note you can skip the LMS set-up section as this has been set up already at a district level. 


  1. I use OneNote on my tablet to project notes as I write them. I have no experience with Canvas. Need to check this out!!

  2. Lisa, thank you for the comment. You may love the latest integration between the two!
