Full Disclosure

I explore a variety of topics surrounding educational technology at this blog, EdTech Posts. My blog is hosted at the no cost Blogger domain. 

Making a Living

How do I make a living? I am currently a technology instructional coach for a bilingual elementary school within the District of Columbia Public Schools. I have served as an elementary and middle school teacher for 8 years and a technology instructional coach for 2 years. 

So, you’re a blogger, huh?

Yes, I’m a blogger. I started my Edtech Posts blog in early 2014 (largely to help with my work as a technology instructional coach). I do not get paid to maintain my blog, nor do I advertise on this or any other blog. I will at times speak about tech tools that I have used or use to train staff, I do not receive money for such blog posts. This blog is mostly used to host school-wide technology integration trainings that I have developed for school or district PD sessions. 


Media ties: No media tiesStocks: I own no stocks.

A Few Questions

1. For what other employers (or consulting) have you worked in the last ten years?

  • District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, DC (Technology Instructional Coach)
  • Pajaro Valley Unified School District, Watsonville, CA (Middle School Math Teacher)
  • Oakland Diocese, Lafayette, CA (Middle School Math/Science Teacher)
  • San Bernardino City Unified School District, San Bernardino, CA (Elementary School Teacher)
2. What sort of volunteer work do you do regularly, if any, and for whom? (Please include any public relations, advocacy or advisory board involvement.)
None that applies to this blog or my position held within DCPS.
3. Do you do any work paid or unpaid in politics or government? Have you done any lobbying of governmental bodies?
I do not work in politics, however I am a government employee as a DCPS school employee. I have never lobbied for governmental bodies. 
4. Do you have any financial investments or financial ties that may limit your ability to cover specific topics free of conflict, and if so, what are the topics?
I maintain financial investments for future retirement purposes, but none that would limit my ability to cover topics. 
5. Although we don’t regulate the activities of spouses, partners or immediate family members of our contributors, do any of their professional or personal involvements or any of their financial investments or ties make certain topics inappropriate for you, and if so, what are the topics?
No, however my husband is a physicist and is now is a journalist for a chemical trade magazine.
6. Have you accepted any free trips, junkets or press trips in the last two years? Have you accepted any substantial free merchandise or discounts from people we might cover?

  • 2015: Teaching and Learning Conference, Washington, DC
7. Has anything you’ve written later resulted in a published editor’s note or retraction for deliberate falsehood or plagiarism or become the subject of a lawsuit involving allegations of deliberate falsehood? (If yes, please include details about the publication and your role in the article or story. If a lawsuit, please describe the disposition of the case.)
No, if I make mistakes I would correct them on my blog.
 [Note: This page is an adapted version of one completed in Full Disclosure at Around the Corner-MGuhlin.org. It has only been personalized and the text largely remains consistent with the original used by Miguel Guhlin]

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