Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Interactive White Board Resources

So you have a new interactive whiteboard? What do you do now?

Interactive Whiteboards can be very powerful classroom tools or can end up being a glorified projector - or worse - a place to hang posters. However, if an educator seeks to use the tool as a way to engage students by letting them use the tool - this will go a long way. Don't feel that you have to know everything about the board before you let students use it. Setting up your class to use the board as a digital center or brainstorm space is a great way to get your students up and using the board.

Here is a resource to get you started by thinking of differing ways to get your class using the board, rather than just yourself.

Getting Started

Using with your Students



  1. I am OBSESSED with my SMARTBOARD. I joke about how it has become my right arm in my class. My students love the interactivity and ability to have me find websites or videos quickly while discussing topics in class. Thanks for the resources - some seem perfect to continue to find new ways to incorporate my favorite tech tool in new ways!

  2. I am happy to hear you have found some of the resources to be helpful. It sounds like you are having students interact with the board in ways that increase their interest in learning, that is wonderful.

  3. I've had a smartboard for awhile but I always feel like I'm not utilizing it very well. These links may help!

    1. I am happy to hear that. I definitely would check out the "Hands off, Vanna!" it got me thinking a lot about getting the teacher away from the board and the students using it more!

  4. I feel as though I did not utilize my SmartBoard enough during the school year. I have 3 whiteboards in my classroom and I mostly just used the SmartBoard for PowerPoint presentations. My goal for this year is to learn more about the features and also get my students more involved. Thanks so much for these great resources!

    1. Setting up one or two of your boards as a digital center may be a great way to utilize your resources! http://postspowell.blogspot.jp/2015/11/digital-workstation-iwb-implementation.html

  5. Great Links and resources! My Smartboard is not being used every well after looking at some of these:)

    1. Glad you found some useful links among my links list! Good luck with your new found tools!

  6. Great links and resources. I always feel my Smartboard is not used well. Cheers and thanks!
