Friday, March 27, 2015

Adobe Voice (App) - Digital Storytelling

I recently had an opportunity to attend the Teaching and Learning Conference at the Convention Center. It just so happened to coincide with this year's Digital Learning Day which allowed for many awesome Technology Integration sessions throughout the conference. In one of these sessions I was able to hear from an elementary team in Bailtmore that uses Adobe Voice to create digital class books. While there are a lot of apps out there for book and story creation, what I love about this one is the quality, the fact that it is free and easy to get off the iPad for teacher/parent viewing. Too often iPad creations live on one iPad and no audience will ever view it. An easy way to have students "turn-in" Adobe Voice creations would be to set up a Google Form to have them turn in the link in (of course I can help with this if you have questions on Form creation).

Check out an example from a student who used Adobe Voice for the first time to share a story her wrote.

Special thanks to Liberty Elementary School and @JoeManko #Liberty64 for presenting @TeachLearnConf