Use Doceri to remotely control your computer by way of your iPad. This allows you to move around the room while opening files, annotating over presentations or starting movies. You will not longer be restricted to movements near the Smartboard or your computer itself.
Don't have a classroom Smartboard? No problem...
Doceri will enable you to annotate and use Smart Notebook software with the iPad.
Doceri will enable you to annotate and use Smart Notebook software with the iPad.
The Doceri app is free, with the desktop license at a one time fee of $30. You can try out Doceri Desktop for a 30-day free trial.
To connect start up both the iPad app and desktop program. It is as easy as taking a picture and you are connected and ready to control your computer and annotate over files.
Want to read more about Doceri? Check out their website. Please let me know if you want help getting started with this revolutionary tool.