Monday, November 24, 2014

Hour of Code

It's Almost Here! Dec. 8th-Dec. 14th
As you may know the Hour of Code is approaching during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 8-Dec.14th). 

I encourage you to check out the site. If you want your classes to participate in exploring coding activities, let me know. I can be apart of this with your classes if you want me to lead or be another support in the room. 

Check out some of last year’s tutorials so you can get a feel for what students around the country investigated last year. Explore one of the newest tutorials which is sure to be a hit as it features Anna and Elisa from Frozen!

Looking to have your students participate?  Here are some good tutorials by grade level.

Course 1 - Recommended for Grades K-1 (pre-readers)
Course 2 - Recommended for Grades 2-5 (reading required)

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade:
BotLogic - online
The Foos - any platform
Lightbot - any platform
Daisy the Dinosaur -iPad
Kodable - iPad
Scratch Jr. - iPad
Tynker - online
Hopscotch - iPad
Angry Birds - online

3rd -5th Grade:
Khan Academy Computer Science - online
Frozen - online
Bitsbox - online
Angry Birds - online
Scratch - online
Lightbot - any platform