Thursday, October 23, 2014

Google Forms & Grading

Google forms can be very helpful for collecting data, gathering student created materials, surveys or assessing students (to name a few). I recently met with some of the 4th/5th grade teachers who wanted to utilize Google Forms with their reteach plans. Yay!

It is awesome to collect data through a form. Did you know that you can run an add-on through Google Drive to help with the data you collected?

Two scenarios:


You created a Google Form and have all these responses in a Google Spreadsheet and you really wish you could have each response on a separate page...
Well you can!  Introducing the add-on "Save As Doc"

To use Save As Doc:

1) In a Google Spreadsheet, choose Add-Ons from the menu bar and select Get Add-Ons in the drop down menu
2) In the search box, type in Save As Doc
3) Install the add-on, then return to your spreadsheet
4) Select all data in the spreadsheet (or, alternatively, select just those entries you want to turn into docs)
5) Again, go to Add-Ons, but this time choose Save As Doc, which should appear in the drop down menu
6) From here, it should be fairly straightforward. You will be asked to name the new doc you are creating (I chose the same name as my spreadsheet, but with 'readable' tacked onto the file name), choose a setting preferences, and the new file will be generated and saved automatically in your Drive! 
(Thank you: @MsJennyKirsch)


You created a Google Form and have all the student responses (many of which are multiple choice responses) and you really wish you could have help with the grading process...
Well you can as well! Meet Flubaroo

Check it out!

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